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女性之声 (VOW)







Vox Feminarum 致力于打造一个全球平台,提升女性作曲家的作品,让她们在古典音乐领域获得应有的认可。我们的目标是为成熟和新兴的女性作曲家创造机会,在不同的音乐传统和文化之间架起桥梁。我们的使命是通过策划表演、比赛和合作项目来促进行业平等,将这些开创性的艺术家与新观众联系起来。通过我们的工作,我们希望激励下一代作曲家,同时为女性提供有意义的机会来塑造古典音乐的未来。




在 Vox Feminarum,我们设想一个世界,女性作曲家的贡献不仅得到认可,而且在全球舞台上得到同样的赞扬。为了实现这一目标,我们将举办三项核心年度活动:女性古典音乐奖颁奖典礼,在纽约、维也纳和巴黎轮流举行,以表彰做出杰出贡献的女性作曲家;新兴作曲家大赛,在这些城市举行,以发现和推广下一代女性人才;纽约市优雅的化妆舞会,一场艺术和音乐庆典让人想起维也纳舞会的盛大,旨在将赞助人和音乐家聚集在一起,支持女性对古典音乐的影响。这些活动证明了女性在音乐界的非凡才华和奉献精神,我们邀请您与我们一起庆祝她们的成就。


尽管我们是一个新组织,但我们的愿景是大胆而坚定的。Vox Feminarum 致力于重塑古典音乐格局,突出女性作曲家的声音,营造一种环境,让她们的艺术才能和独特观点能够蓬勃发展,并在全球范围内受到推崇。

Listen to our composers.

Helen Grime: Violin Concerto (2015/16)

Helen Grime: Violin Concerto (2015/16)

Helen Grime (*1981) Violin Concerto (2015/16) 00:00 I. 10:20 II. 18:13 III. Malin Broman, violin Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester Daniel Harding, conductor World Première, 15 December 2016, Berwaldhallen My Violin Concerto came about after several collaborations with Malin Broman and many years of gestation. We first worked together with Malin’s piano trio (Kungsbacka Trio) but I also had chance to work with the orchestra, conducted by Daniel Harding with Malin leading, in 2010. I was immediately struck by the ferocity, power and passion in her playing. At turns she is able to play with a sort of wild abandon but also with great tenderness, sensitivity and with many different colours. I knew when we started talking about the piece some years back, that I wanted to highlight and showcase these striking, opposing qualities. Violent, virtuosic music covering the whole range of the violin is contrasted with more delicate and reflective filigree material that features oscillating natural harmonic passages and searching melodies. Towards the beginning of the writing process, I sent Malin various fragments of material and many of these are used in the concerto. These initial sketches actually became the basis for the piece’s central section and everything else sprung from this. In one continuous movement, the piece falls into three main sections but features extensive dreamlike interlinking passages that connect them. Photo by Arne Hyckenberg Full Score Official Composer Website This video has a purpose of promotion, not for profit. If you have any complaints about copyright issues, please write me a direct message at dhdmlwls02(at)gmail(dot)com before submitting a report to YouTube. Then I will delete the video as soon as possible.

Carnegie Hall Concert, on December 15th, 2024

National Opera Center Concert on October 11th, 2024

Desert in Dark
Lili Tewes.
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